Paytm Personal Loan Apply Online Hello friends, many times when we need money, we take a loan from a bank or a financial institution. Do you know that Paytm is also an application that gives you a loan of up to 2 lakhs very easily.
Eligibility to take a loan from Paytm
- For this, you should be an old customer of Paytm.
- Apart from this, you should not have any kind of loan outstanding on this Paytm.
- Apart from this, if you have taken a loan from any other bank, then what is its EMI and along with that, what is your monthly salary.
- Apart from this, you should not have any kind of bank loan default.
How much loan can be taken from Paytm
After taking a loan from Paytm, you also need to know about the loan amount you get. If you take a loan with the help of this application, then you can get a loan of up to 2 lakhs with its help.
After this, after taking a loan with the help of this application, it can be repaid very easily. After taking a loan from Paytm, whatever amount you get, that amount is sent to the applicant’s bank.
How to apply for loan from Paytm
- Step 1 – First of all you have to come to Paytm application.
- Step 2 – After this, after coming to this application, you get the option of loan in it.
- Step 3 – After this, you have to complete KYC in it. And after that you have to upload your documents in it. After this, you get loan-related offers very easily
- Step 4 – After this, after getting information related to the loan, you are given offers related to it.
Interest rate charged on Paytm Loan
If you take a loan from Paytm, then it charges 9.99% annual interest rate. The minimum amount of this loan is 10 thousand and maximum is 2 lakh. You can take this loan amount very easily and fulfill your financial needs with it.